You are here: Customers > Modify Customers > POS Screen Customer Modify

POS Screen Customer Modify

Modifying customers through the POS Screen can be done in two ways depending on the setting used in Idealpos.


Customer Button with ‘Fast Customer Searching’ on

Press the ‘Customer’ button on the POS Screen.



Start typing a name > Buttons will start to appear that much your selection > Press the button for the Customer that you want to select.



The screen will change where you can modify a select amount of fields related to the Customer.



>>> Button at the top of POS Screen

If a Customer has already been selected for the sale and their details are displaying on the screen, there will be a small '>>>' button at the top of the screen in yellow.



This will toggle the Customer Details to display in the bottom right half of the screen.



Select Modify > the full Customer details window will open, where you can edit all fields that apply to the Customer.



Press Save to be taken back to the previous screen.